South Australia’s Education System
Making the move to South Australia with children can seem daunting but there are plenty of resources to help you manage education choices for your children.
The education system in South Australia consists of 3 stages:
Preschool (or kindergarten): preschool is not compulsory but highly recommended
Primary school and secondary school (or high school): children between the ages of 6 and 16 must attend school. In their final 2 years, students complete the South Australia Certificate of Education (SACE).
Tertiary education: South Australia has a number of universities, TAFE, and training institutions that offer a diverse range of career skills and qualifications.
Parents can choose to send their child to a government (or public), independent or Catholic school or preschool.
All young people between the ages of 16 and 17 years must attend full-time schooling, training or work for at least 25 hours per week.