Australian Defence Force career unlocks passion for building Defence capability

For Royal Australian Air Force Veteran Anthony Kunda, a career in the defence industry has proved to be just what he was looking for post-service – combining skills learnt while serving his country with his passion to be a part of something bigger.

When Anthony Kunda left the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) after 10 years of service, he felt something was missing.

Anthony joined the RAAF in 2008 as a communications electronic technician. His service saw him deploy Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment for exercises and operations across the world.

Early in his RAAF career, Anthony was deployed to Afghanistan as part of Operation Slipper where he helped establish and maintain communications infrastructure and networks to support operations, enabling critical operational decision making.

Later, he deployed on the first rotation of Operation Argos, supporting a detachment of analysts and a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft in Japan.

Reflecting on his time serving, Anthony said simply playing his part in these operations gave him an immense sense of satisfaction. “Being able to see the results of my contribution to operations was the most rewarding part of my career,” he recalled.

Like many people, it took Anthony a little while to find the right civilian role when he transitioned from full-time service to Reservist in 2018. Despite enjoying his work, he found that he missed being a part of something bigger.

His search to be part of something more led Anthony to sovereign Australian Defence C4ISREW specialist, DEWC Services, where he is currently in the role of Deputy Director of Science and Technology.

Anthony’s passion for supporting and protecting Australia’s war fighters and pushing the frontiers of capability for the ADF is what drives him in this role.

While he no longer wears a uniform full-time, he still supports Defence by providing consultancy services through DEWC on various projects and intelligence-related tasks with the Defence Science and Technology Group.

“I have profound fulfilment working for a company that shares the same values of supporting Defence and delivering solutions to clients that enhances defence capability,” he said.

“I’m incredibly proud to be part of the company’s growth over the years.”

Anthony has also successfully continued his Reservist work with the RAAF alongside his role at DEWC Services.

Whilst juggling the demands of family, civilian work and reservist duties, Anthony played a critical role in developing a video capability for the C-130 Hercules aircraft in 2021.

While the video capability was initially developed as a proof concept to demonstrate its benefits, it has gone on to be used on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and maritime operations.

In recognition of his work, Anthony was awarded a Conspicuous Service Medal for developing the innovative solution in his capacity as a reservist. “It was an honour to be recognised for my work in enhancing capability for the ADF,” he said.

Anthony encourages other Veterans to consider a career in the defence industry, with his new career enabling him to rediscover his passion for developing capability for the ADF.

“Being part of a bigger purpose and generating Defence capability for Australia was always something I desired and something I missed when I Ieft the Air Force,” he said.

Anthony also acknowledges DEWC Services for supporting reservists, like himself, to undertake Defence service and contribute to building Defence capability.

“It means everything to have a supportive employer. The flexibility they provide enabled me to support Defence as a reservist when it was needed.”

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