Justyce’s dreams of dancing with the stars
Growing up, Justyce Manton dreamt of being a ballerina but when that dream was shattered by injury, she quickly discovered an outer-this-world fascination with space and engineering, which transformed her life plans.
The first year Adelaide University student is currently undertaking an internship at Defence SA under the mentorship of Executive Director, Defence and Space Reg Carruthers.
Justyce is revelling in the chance to understand the industry better, and now has dreams of becoming the first Indigenous Australian to travel into space.
“I am studying aeronautical engineering at Adelaide University and am absolutely loving it,” Justyce said.
“Growing up I was going to be a dancer but when I had to rethink those plans, I wasn’t quite sure where I would go or what I would do as a career.
“I have always loved mathematics and science so decided to explore what engineering was and when I really looked into it, I decided yep, that is definitely for me.”
Justyce said since starting her degree she has been surprised at the amount of career options available for engineers.
“I think some people aren’t really sure what it means when you say you are studying engineering but really there are so many options,” she said.
“When I started, I had no idea just how many jobs are in the space and defence industry right here in South Australia.
“It is so great that you can stay here but still have so many career opportunities.”
Justyce said since starting university and through the internship she has been exposed to so many experiences and feels her future is wide open.
“I am really excited about the future because I have so many options.
“I love the idea of potentially joining the Australian Defence Force but equally the opportunities in the space industry in Adelaide are really exciting.
“I am excited to see what happens, but I know I will enjoy every moment.”
Careers in the defence industry are more than you think. You don’t need to be in the Defence Force to consider a lifelong career in one of South Australia’s fastest growing industries. There are many pathways you can take to get the career you want in an industry you’ll love.