Nishanth launches his space career in South Australia

A keen interest in science and physics in Nishanth Sri Shiva Madhavan’s former school years has paved the way to an exciting career in the space industry.

Reflecting on his younger years, Nishanth attributes his success to keeping himself informed and connected in the space industry. “In my spare time I would read blogs and publications, join social media communities and network with peers.”

Nishanth’s passion for the industry quite literally launched his career, transporting him all the way from India to Australia.

“I completed my bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in India,” he explained. “While studying I got involved in vehicle design projects, learning about the real-life makeovers of engineering applications.”

The theoretical and practical knowledge gained over this period lay the foundation for a solid base in engineering fundamentals.The academic qualifications and work experience gained in the mechanical industry led me to pursue my postgraduate study in aerospace engineering in Australia.”

Nishanth went on to complete his master’s degree in aerospace engineering at RMIT University in Melbourne. “Australia’s rapidly growing space industry presents remarkable opportunities to join the vanguard of the new space generation. This prospect adds another layer of enthusiasm to my pursuit of being part of this transformative and inspiring field,” he added.

Venturing down a path of specialisation allowed Nishanth to hone his skills in rocketry and launch vehicle structural engineering, which he believes has “further instilled a passion to push the boundaries of technology in the new space era.”

“After delving into the research, I was convinced that Adelaide offered the perfect launchpad for my career. The state’s rapidly developing space ecosystem, marked by the presence of industry giants and the obvious leap forward in capabilities within the state resonated with my aspirations.”

“With strong determination, and no formal job offer, I made the risky choice of moving to Adelaide, eager to contribute my skills and become part of this exciting new space community,” he said. And when it came time to secure his first job, Nishanth made sure to network and connect with the space community here and fortunately that very quickly helped him to find a role with ELA.

Nishanth’s role at Lot Fourteen resident Equatorial Launch Australia (ELA), is as a Launch Operations Engineer, responsible for supporting launch missions – from permit phase right through to launch operations.

“In my role, no two days are the same so it’s an exciting place to be,” explained Nishanth. “I get to work with cutting-edge technologies every day and contributing to such an advanced field drives me to work harder and smarter.”

Speaking to the challenges of the role, Nishanth shared that navigating the complex world of launch operations has allowed him to grow and evolve. “It keeps me on my toes,” he commented.

As South Australia’s space capabilities continue to grow, so do opportunities for budding graduates. Nishanth explained, “South Australia is home to more than 100 space startups and companies. It provides exciting opportunities for graduates to be at the forefront of space innovation and hone their skills.”

The future is bright for Nishanth as he plans to elevate his technical proficiency and broaden his leadership and project management skills over the next five years.

“I’d like to position myself as an influential professional in the space industry. Building on my current role as a Launch Operations Engineer, I aim to take on increasingly challenging responsibilities that contribute to the planning and execution of more complex space launch projects.”

“I’d also like to mentor juniors entering the field, contribute to research initiatives and engage in industry forums. The opportunities are endless.”

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